Thursday, December 17, 2009

Last day of school until the 4th of January!!!!!!!

Today was the last day of school until the 4th of January. So I am pretty excited about that. Today the school provided pizza and soda for our lunch, they also had cookies and stuff too. Today we did a gift exchange and I got a Subway card which is really cool. I used to work there and hope to be working at Subway again soon. Subway is one of my favorite restaurants and it is my favorite fast food restaurant. Being a devout supporter and ex-worker of Subway I strongly discourage people from going to other sandwich stores. I am not being paid to say this but as we all know. Subway is far greater than any other Sandwich store. A word to the wise- if the Subway worker does a not so great job on your sandwich quickly reprove him and tell him or her to do better. Also as we all know, it is kind of hard to ruin a sub sandwich unless if the workers does a lousy job and don't really care how they make a sandwich. Remember- cut in the bread in such...... just if the sandwich does not look good, you can ask them to fix it. Ah, the joys of working at Subway, how I miss working there. Oh well, my school grades are doing well and as I would love to get a job and still am going to try to find one I am happy of my grades and being ahead of school. And with that I will be gone. REMEMBER SUBWAY SUBWAY SUBWAY !!!SUBWAY !!! !!! SUBWAY!!! tis truth that it is the store to go to for guaranteed satisfaction. :)

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Noah Webster. CHRISTMAS BREAK !!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :)

"When you become entitled to exercise the right of voting for public officers, let it be impressed on your mind that God commands you to chose for rulers, 'just men who will rule in the fear of God.' The preservation of government depends of the faithful discharge of this duty; if the citizens neglect their duty and place unprincipled men in office, the government will sonn be corrupted; laws will be made, not for the public good so much as for selfich or local purposes; corrupt or incompetent men will be appointed to execute the laws; the public revenues will be squandered on unworthy men; and the rights of the citizens will be violated or disregarded. If government fails to secure public prosperity and happiness, it must be because the citizens neglect the divine commands, and elect bad men to make and administer the laws."

Noah Webster
(In his high school text, "History of the United States")

I have been studying civics lately and have been enjoying it. I am almost done with it and will probably be moving on into Economics which is the ,I think, the last study for High School. So I am pretty excited. School been good and I will be leaving on the 23rd of December to go to Bethel. I'm excited. I am also excited about tomorow because it will be the last day of school until the 4th of January.

Monday, November 23, 2009

3:52 Prime Meridian, Alaska Time, and it is starting to get dark already!!!

Getting excited for my possibly 6 or 7 days of from school. I leave this coming Wednesday to Bethel and come back Tuesday. Tomorrow I will be taking three tests in Basic Life of Christ (B.L.O.C.), Math, and Speech. I was talking to Emily Galvez and it looks like I am almost done completely with Social Studies and almost, kind of, done completely with Bible for high school so I am pretty excited about that as well. I am not completely sure but it looks that way. Well, I should start studying again.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Good bye free America.

It is shocking to believe that the United States is not a free country any more. For in just a year more or less it will become mandatory that each citizen have to have some kind of insurance. If people will not get it they can go to jail for 5 years. I'll post more later most likely.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

October 28, 2009. 4:46p.m. (ending)

Well, today is Wednesday. It snowed this morning :) I am quiet excited about the weather changing. I think I would have to say that I rather the weather be like 20 below to 10 above than for the regular weather of 32 to 100 above. This week has been relaxing a bit. I am still having to do school but the pressure that I had last week is gone so this week feels like it is really easy. Tonight is youth night here in Anchorage. Life is pretty interesting. It seems as though I have been living week from week trying to stay alive from day to day. Looking forward to every weekend as a time to rest and then abhoring what is going to come up next. Whether it be test the next week that I worry about failing or some other school project. But as I was walking to the Nowling's house today, my mind was going in a lot of directions, one after another. Why worry and fret a lot about making through a day? As I look at my life I came to the realization that I still have thousands upon thousands of days that I am going to still be alive. And even after I "die" I will still be "alive." Trying to answer that question was like hitting my head again and again. With concerts the singers sometimes say that it is only the beginning of the concert after a song or two but shortly after it seems as if it is already done after another few songs. What it seems like in my life is that there is forever. Three hundred and sixty five is ONE year. (365) I am only sixteen and yet people live to be 70-100 and sometimes higher. I have a lot of days ahead of me unless God takes me earlier. After realizing this it seems useless to worry about every single day and worry about this and worring about that, but life is full about worries that will never go away until God comes and get us. When one says that we are in a spiritual warfare, he and the audience will probably not get a full grasp of the words. Think about it. "WARFARE!!!" What is in warfare? Deaths, wounds, stress, and a whole lot of other things. But what is great is that Jesus will go through it all with us. There is a lot of stress in war. From being careful of not being shot to cleaning our guns of the dirt and grime that gets into them from intense fighting. Lucifer is not going to back down one inch of his plan. Through his plan he uses people by deception and others by who he really is. It is not safe to say that every thing that Satan does is by deception. He mangles truth with false. And he also uses pure truth to those of whom he chooses, but anyways the fact is Satan will never stop. Whatever he is doing, he will never stop. We must grow strong in the Lord if we want to overcome the enemy. We must pray! We must read rely on God not on other people! We must rely on God to move through us! Us! We are God's tools! We are the clay! If we want God's presene We have to praise God and rely on Him, not our feelings nor can we wait on other people to praise God. We, it is US. We pray. We get our strength from God almighty, the One that loves us. The One that will give freely only we ask. I have been attending the youth nights at the Church of God. It last for about two hours. We spend about a hour of worship and then a sermon by the youth pastor. Joshua Lynch is the worship leader. He said that he is sooo glad that we still have the freedom to worship. To trully worship God. Thanking God and praising Him. Lucifer is real. His power is real. I encourage you to step out of your comfort zones and not worry what other people will think of you, at church during worship, and raise your hands. Raise your hands even if you do not feel the presence. Show God that you surrender and praise Him. Take it upon yourself to get through to God and not from other people. The Spirit of God will radiate from another person but we should be the ones that will take upon ourself and have the Spirit and His power radiate off of us. Get out of your comfort zone and join the war. For what does God need you with if you can't beat the enemy because you do not have enough strength. The strength is there if you go through God. That does not mean that even though through the strength of God that troubles and tribulations won't come. The reason. So that you will become stronger through Him. Your Saviour and Redeemer. Your Strong Tower. I will probably post later but know you have the resources of strength: prayer and the Bible.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Finally this week I can kink of relax. :)

School has been going really good. Recently I got a report done about Shintoism. The report had to be at least 2 and half pages long. The thing was, was that I had to use the font size 12 with no spacing. Anyways so I got that done with the help of Micah and Micah also helped me with the poster and two pages of pictures and artwork. Without Micah's help I would be in trouble. Anyways, it snowed on the mountains again. Man I can't wait until winter comes, sort of. Well today we are going to Rebekah Saint James' concert in a hour or so. But recently Matt and I moved to Pinnacle. It has been really really nice. It has a one car garage, arctic entry, a good size living room and kitchen, plus I have a room again! With a BED!!! When slept on the bed I really did not want to get up but got up anyways and I felt better waking up because recently I have been sleeping on the floor with a sleeping bag for maybe about a month or so. I did not mind but it is really nice having a bed. I am currently in sports with my school. We are doing volleyball right now. But in a few games the sport is going to change. I went to Kenai to play against the Wings or Eagles (something) and we were doing horrible and I will leave it at that. Tomorrow me, Matt, and Micah are probably going to do some moose hunting. I heard we are going to have a good hike getting to the place so we are going to have to grit our teeth hauling the moose back if we get one. This coming week is going to be nice, I won't have to worry about any test or a pesky report. I feel relaxed. This week I did about four test and a report :/ so this week is going to be nice. I might take some pictures of the place we are in but history tells me that it won't happen so anyways I'll probably write some time in the future.

Nathan Peter

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Two days ago Matt, Micah, and I went all the way to Prudhoe Bay and Dead Horse. It is about 800 to 900 miles one way! It was really really really really AWESOME!!! The pictures that I will hopefully put up does not look the same as when your really there. It seems as though the pictures makes things smaller. Anyways I had a great four day journey from basically from the south of Alaska to the top of Alaska. And the thing that kind of joggled my mind is that we saw what we could on a road that was basically in the center of Alaska. I will probably write later I need to go.

Monday, August 3, 2009

August 3,2009 1:36P.M. AK time.

I'm getting excited of school for this year. I will be going the North Anchorage Christian Academy this this fall. School is going to start in about three weeks. It is operated by the Church of God.

Friday, May 29, 2009

New Post

God has been very good to me this week. How about you?

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Glacier National Park Hiked in Avalanche Lake

Today I hiked with Jacob in GNP.(Glacier National Park)

Sunday, May 3, 2009

April 3,2009 9:35 a.m.

God has been so good! He is always good. Yesterday I went with Josh Davis Tanner to kill trees. We were cutting trees with chainsaws for about pobably six hours. I was tired when we stopped at about 1:30p.m. It was cool to see big trees fall. After that I did about six Biology quizzes. I have been studying about cells and process of them making new cells. Such terms as cell respiration phagocytosis, endocytosis, and the different stages of new sells such as mitosis and the interphase collective of the g1, s , g2 stages. I only have a few weeks until I am done with the tenth grade. I will most likely post later because I need to go to church now. God is soo good.

Monday, March 9, 2009


I want to be separate and not be ashamed of it. I want to be a MAN. This body is not mine. If it was then I would want to protect it. But no, it is my Fathers. I want my Father to proud of me. I want to be a pointman for my brothers. I want to point out the machine nest that are on the other corner. I want to point out the mines that my brothers and sisters might not see. I want to put my life into God's hands. If God is in control. Then that is it. I want to be one of God's mighty men. I would like to be like David's mighty men where one man took on 800 men at one time. But OH! To be one of God's mighty men. If I want to be one, then I must be separate. I must put all the worldly pleasures on the back burner or totally off. I must put God First in everything. I must love God with all my heart, soul, mind and strength. I must do everthing as if I do them for God. I must love my neighbor as MYSELF. I must keep my thoughts clear. I must pray. I must read what God wants to say to me. I must put away pride, hate, and everything that would go between me and God. I want to become in such a relationship with God that God can say that I am in the apple of His eye. WHAT ABOUT YOU!
I think it is about time that we give Satan some resistence! I think it is time to stop being a COWARD to be separate! I think it is about time that we get out of our comfort zones! I think it is about time that we stop being luke warm and be coal fire hot for our Father. I think it is about time that we get out of our comfort zone and pray to God and read our Father's words. And be not afraid to do what the Holy Ghost tells us to do! Why be afraid with what God wants us to do? Why would we be afraid with what God wants us to do and not be afraid of disobeying what He wants us to do? I should be afraid of NOT DOING what God wants me to do instead of being afraid of what He WANTS me to do.
God is coming back soon!

Thursday, February 26, 2009


Just got done playing monopoly with a sum of $12,355 with all the hotels and property that I had! Post pictures tomorrow.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Life here in Montana.

Hopefully I will be getting to blog more often now. I certainly have enough time. Things have been going very well. Weeks have been going by like crazy. I get up and get my Bible class done and move on to Algebra 2. Eat breakfast then do the rest of my classes : English, World History, Biology, and Spanish. Learning Spanish has been very fun. I am also learning German which is also really fun. Help Rebekah whenever she needs help. Finish up my school. Homework, quizzes and anything.

Currently I am writing a research paper about how the experienced and the life of Herman Melville might have effected his stories. It is coming by very slowly but it is coming. Usually when I get done with school I, do stuff I guess. Play with the kids, Oh, practice the piano. Usually watch something at night sometimes. Right now we have been watching Crusoe. It is really really good. It is very clean and filled with action and adventure.

I love Fridays. Friday is the beginning of FREEDOM. sort of. I might have to catch up on a quiz or two but last Friday I got all my quizzes done on Friday. I have been receiving very good grades ever since I came here. On Friday night I usually watch a movie with my nieces and nephews. Wake up on Saturday do some chores and usually go to Stephan's place. THAT has been VERY nice spending time with him! It is sooo nice! Things have been going very well.

Stephan will be turning 18 (I think) next summer, not this summer, and a year after that I will be turning 18. It is kind of weird to think that it will be only two more years and a few days until I turn 18. This coming Wednesday I will turn 16. Stephan and I will like to maybe move to Alaska (maybe) and get our own place. I will be studying to become a commercial pilot when I turn 18. I have the books in to start studying. The books are in Bethel , but I will be able to bring them back down here sometime.

I am starting to write a book. I have an idea of what it is going to be about. I started on books that I might finish or not. Who knows? I might even conglomerate them into the story I am going to start. But anyways. I do not really miss Bethel. It is sooo nice to do school with other people in the house. Better than just people, they are my family. It is a LOT nicer than staying home alone almost every day. I am gettin excited about the men's retreat. It is going to be in Washington. I will be going to Bethel this Saturday and then return back here on Wednesday. We will leave for men's retreat early Friday morning of the next week.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


I have been in Montana for about or almost two weeks I think. Having a good time. Literally miss the blizzards, snow, and ice; but, it has been very nice being with Jacob, Rebekah, and Stephan. I am going to have some homemade pizza for supper tonight.

Saturday, January 17, 2009


44mph from the south
Wind gust up to 62mph
That in itself is not too bad. But when you are on an ice road Literally I MEAN ICE( it rained on it) making it itself really bad. Some places are worst than others. In front of our house the ice is REALLY BAD. There is no words that I can think of that can fully describe how bad it is. You look out and see a lot of lots glazed with ice. Isaiah and I almost hit another snowmachine turning a 180 degree turn and ended up going down the hill backwards. I will take some pictures if I can and put them up tommorow. (It is 1:30 A.M. so techniquly I will hopefully take pictures and put them up later on today) Good Morning:)

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Sixteen degrees Fahrenheit

Hopefully I will be leaving Bethel, AK on Friday night. Spend some time with Micah and Matt and leave for Montana on Monday or Tuesday. I do not know. I thank God for His mercy. His grace. His love. God is good. I have a house to live in. I have access to water and food. God has given me every basic necessity and even some wants as well. Thank the Lord that He loves us. Why he loves us, I have no idea. He gives more love than we give love back to Him, it seems like that to me. He gives us life. Both physically and spiritually. What can we give back to Him? For one thing, love. How do give love back to Him? How do we love God with all our soul, mind, and strength?

Monday, January 12, 2009


I will be leaving to Montana hopefully this week. I was wanting to leave on Wednesday, but I think I am going to have to go later. Hopefully I will have some time to spend with Matthew, Micah, and Megan. I do not know if I am going to be able to though.

The day is coming quick. It might some years though until that day or night happens. The fields are ready. They have been ready for years. Years have passed by. Those people that died in that train in China are still in their eternity. This happened months ago If I remember right. Are they ever going to get out if they have sin in their lives? When I think of eternity I think of numbers. They go into eternity in each direction. Also when I think of eternity I think of a circle with a ball moving in it always moving.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Which side? Are You ready? Why?

I am getting really excited. And at the same time kind of sad. A new chapter of my pathetic life is coming. "The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak." I will be moving to Montana for a while. I do not how long though. Faith as little as a mustard seed. As I said before, I am very excited! knock ask. It is going to be hard to wait until I see my sister, brother, and nieces and nephews. Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan came also among them. It is going to be different. Instead of being alone for most of the day I will have, most of the time, someone beside me or close to me. And the Lord said unto Satan, Whence comest thou? Then Satan answered the Lord, and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it. I will be writing a book pretty soon. When? How soon? HOW SOON? ARE YOU READY? It will probably be a few years though when the book is finished. ARE YOU READY??? I know that I am suppose to be in Montana. Maybe God will let me come back. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.

Are you ready? Jesus died on the cross. He made a way for not only the Jews but also for the Gentiles to have HOPE and AN ESCAPE. Why? Why did He love us soooo much?!?! I do not think any of us can answer that question. Is it because He was lonely before he created us? Did He want a creation to love Him? True love? Not just some robots. And what do we do? Do we love Him with ALL of Our Heart. How would you feel if your creation despised you? Hated you! And you gave them your only son to be a sacrifice. Your creation to put you (in a figure of speech) on the back burner. Not only the non- saved Christians but the Christians who say that they are Christians. I wonder what God felt when Adam took a bite of that forbiden fruit. Are you ready? The enemy of God is working. Right now even as you read this. Satan has plans for you. He is working non-stop or almost non-stop to have your soul. Unless you are on the other side. It does not matter to people when they think about hell when they are on the other side. They actually know it. But because they are humans and the laws of God can not be broken..... I have said enough. There are two ways. Are you ready? Which side are you on? Whose team are you on?

Sunday, January 4, 2009

January 4, 2009 10:24p.m.(ended at this time)

Today is Sunday. Or at least it is by the Alaska time zone. 10:10 p.m. This past year went by pretty fast. It is already the fourth of January! Anyways. I will be leaving Alaska in about probably two or three or more weeks. I do not know when I will come back though. I know I will have to be back to go to the dentist for my braces. Actually it might be awhile before I go to Montana. I do not know what I am doing. Better pray I guess. Nothing is final, that is for sure. except for catching up on my school.

It is cold. But I kind of like it.

-23 Fahrenheit
Humidity: 74%
Wind: 14 mph from the North
Windchill: -48 Fahrenheit
Visibility: 10 miles