Tuesday, February 17, 2009


I have been in Montana for about or almost two weeks I think. Having a good time. Literally miss the blizzards, snow, and ice; but, it has been very nice being with Jacob, Rebekah, and Stephan. I am going to have some homemade pizza for supper tonight.

1 comment:

connie said...

And are we ever having interesting weather. Sunday morning we had lots of new snow. Then it warmed up to 38 above. Sunday evening after church, it was raining. Monday morning, it was around -10 and the car doors were all iced shut with rain that had frozen in the night. My car DID start, but by afternoon, it wouldn't start again. So I've been bumming rides ever since. This morning it was -26. It is presently -2. It is supposed to get very windy after midnight and then warm up on Wed.
We love you and miss you.