Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Two days ago Matt, Micah, and I went all the way to Prudhoe Bay and Dead Horse. It is about 800 to 900 miles one way! It was really really really really AWESOME!!! The pictures that I will hopefully put up does not look the same as when your really there. It seems as though the pictures makes things smaller. Anyways I had a great four day journey from basically from the south of Alaska to the top of Alaska. And the thing that kind of joggled my mind is that we saw what we could on a road that was basically in the center of Alaska. I will probably write later I need to go.


connie said...

Wow! I want to hear more. And see more.

Bobby said...

Hey Bro. Nathan. Look forward to hearing more of your trip. Hope all is going well for you. - Bro. Sutton