Saturday, January 12, 2008

I thought of something that I could write down.

Here are the languages I would like to learn: Arabic, Hebrew, Russian, Japanese, Hindi, Korean, French, and more. The languages that I am learning now is Spanish and German. Here are some of the instruments that I would like to play: bagpipe, trumpet, clarinet, and others probably. The instruments that I play now is the piano, flute, and violin. And I can not wait till I become a pilot. If God wants me to.


Rebekah Doran said...

That is so cool that you are learning spanish and german!!! Hope you get to learn all the intruments that you would like. :D

Netty said...

Mi espanol es muy mal!
We can practice! :)
I would like to learn Arabic also!
I love playing the clarinet and miss mine.
You do an awesome job on both the piano and flute. I am sure the violin also. Maybe you can play at church sometime.
Have a good day!

Sister Net

Kasey said...

That is neat! You are doing great! God KNOWS the desires of your heart!