Saturday, December 1, 2007

Am I too over zealous?

I am able to witness to someone any time in the day and I don't. Why am I not telling people about Jesus. I am able. I have the time. I have the ability to talk. What am I waiting for. Is it that God, that wants me to wait, but wait for what? Or is it that I am too afraid to talk and to trust God fully that He will be with me? What am I waiting for? Does God want me to wait to tell someone about the love that he has shown to every living person? Am I over zealous? What am I waiting for? People are dying every day. Where are they going? To Heaven or to Hell. Why aren't I telling people about Him? What am I waiting for? Am I over zealous? People who are not saved are going to remain unsaved until they receive Christ as their Saviour. What am I waiting for?
I am able to read my Bible every single day. I don't read my Bible every day. Why am I not reading my Bible every day? I have sight and I can read.


Jacob 3.4 - A.K.A. Super Dad! said...


You are not overzealous. A lot of times, we feel that we should do something or even that God is leading us to do something, but we lack the motivation or feel intimidated. The problem is that the water is cold, and you know it. What I mean is that if you want to swim but don't know how, most people will put off learning because the water is too cold or some other reason.

So the water of witnessing may seem like a cold place to learn how "swim." If you're waiting for a warm sunny day to start witnessing or reading your Bible, it will never come. Even in the summer, the water is cold until you get out in it and move around for a while. Most of the time, you've got to completely submerge yourself--head and all--in order to acclimate to the temperature of the water.

I'll give you a Nike answer: Just do it! The only way to learn how swim is to jump in, no matter how cold the water may be.

The same thing is true of reading your Bible. Make a chart and set goals. Witness to one person every week, to start with, and check off every day that you have read your Bible. Don't go to sleep without reading your Bible and write down the verses that you read on your chart. If you miss a day or two, make up for it with two separate entries on the next day.

Hold yourself to it. God will tell you to "get out in the water and learn to swim," but rarely does he push us in. What that means is that you've got to make up your mind to do it and then hold yourself to it.

If we don't feel accountable to do something, we seldom will.

Over-zealous? Not if you know that it's what God wants you to do. It's never over-zealous to want to do what the Word of God makes clear for us to do. That's just called obedience.

God Bless you, buddy.

Nancy said...

Hi Nathan,
I think it's great that you have a heart for witnessing. Those exact thoughts have been going through my mind latley. I think about how if we really saw someone in danger we would do our best to save them. We need to realize that our loved ones and the people all around us who dont know Jesus are in real danger and they do need us to speak up and try and reach them somehow. I am really shy and its hard for me too. I am praying that God give me more courage to be the light that I truly want to be. I will pray for you too. As for reading your Bible...try baby steps. Try reading a chapter in the morning and one at bed time. Keep your Bible by your bed so you see it when you wake up and before you go to sleep. Pray that God will remind you. He loves you and he will be faithful to help you remember. I have started in Gen. and am doing this every morning and night with Noelle. The more we have gotten into the word the more we have grown to love the word. Kirby and I have had you on our hearts for a very long time now and you have been in our prayers.
Pastor Jacob can give you Kirbys cell if you ever feel like talking.
We love you.
Nancy Alexander (Paul's Mom)