Monday, December 8, 2008

New Post

I am getting kind of stressed out with school. I got behind a lot with school when I worked three hours every week day at Subway. I now only work on Monday and Friday from eleven in the morning until two in the afternoon. Without Jesus life is almost unbearable. It is dark. A very organized force. Satan knows what he is doing. In ways it may seem crazy in the ways he works but every single one of them strings into one main goal. There may be only a few or only one way to get almost rid of Christianity or at least make it really small. Torture does not work. Although since Christians have not been tortured in the U.S.A *YET* a lot of Christians will join the other side of fear of the torture. But the big way would probably to let *Christians* get very comfortable in the world (which Jesus told us that we are in the world but not of it) and make them have freedom's. ONE WAY TO KEEP CHRISTIANITY TO THRIVE IS PERSECUTION !!! The devil tried to use that stragedy (sp?)and still is but it is not working hardly at all. When the devil tries to get rid of Christianity through persecution it is like trying to put out a fire with gasoline! (my history teacher said that and I believe it) This is hard to explain. A way to let Christianity to slow down is too let Christians have their WAY. Make every thing feel nice. (freedom, life, and Christianity). Many so called *Christians* are blind.

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