Sunday, October 5, 2008

Algebra 2

Here is one of my algebraic word problems. (The last lesson that I did was 28) Here is the problem: " Two boys sold 350 stamps from their collections. They sold some for $.30 each and others for $.50 each and received in all $116. How many stamps of each kind did they sell?" One of the most recent ones is this problem: "A man has $4.20. He has twice as many quarters as dimes. How many coins of each denomination does he have?" (gr? for both.)


Rebekah Doran said...

Those are some good problems. What was the equation that you came up with for them?

I just did lesson 25 with Elijah today. You are ahead of us by 3 days. :)

Nathan said...

Here is the equations that I got for no. 1 [.3x +5(350 - x)= 116] for the $.30 is just x and the $.50 is 350 - x. For no. two the equation was : .25(2x)+.10(x)=4.20 the quarters is 2x and the dimes is just x.