Saturday, January 17, 2009


44mph from the south
Wind gust up to 62mph
That in itself is not too bad. But when you are on an ice road Literally I MEAN ICE( it rained on it) making it itself really bad. Some places are worst than others. In front of our house the ice is REALLY BAD. There is no words that I can think of that can fully describe how bad it is. You look out and see a lot of lots glazed with ice. Isaiah and I almost hit another snowmachine turning a 180 degree turn and ended up going down the hill backwards. I will take some pictures if I can and put them up tommorow. (It is 1:30 A.M. so techniquly I will hopefully take pictures and put them up later on today) Good Morning:)

1 comment:

Jessa Stephens said...

Yikes Nate!!! You should post some pics!!!!!!!!!