Friday, February 22, 2008

A time to grow stronger.

I am tired of the devil even trying to get me away from God. The devil will try hard to get hard any one that he can get. There is one thing can not do though. He can not make our minds up. He can not make me do wrong. He might try his hardest to make me think like the stupid ways I have been thinking lately but I am going to try my hardest with God's help to keep striving toward what God wants me to do. Please keep praying for me. I thank all of you who have been praying for me.


Jacob 3.4 - A.K.A. Super Dad! said...

That's right, Nathan. Now keep that attitude!

Sorry I've been down sick all week and am just getting around to commenting. I came home sick on Tuesday and couldn't even look at a computer screen without it hurting.

Rebekah and I have certainly been praying for you and will continue to do so. We love you very much. I'm glad that you called and want to encourage you to call anytime that the enemy starts playing these mind games, or at least talk to someone who will give you spiritual counsel and build you up against such attacks.

Hang in there, Nate. God has good things planned for your life.

Kasey said...

Now THIS is the kind of post I am looking for! YAY GOD!