Monday, April 28, 2008

I do not know how to title this.

Another day that the Lord God has given to us. I thank the Lord for the goodness He has shown me. The Lord has answered my prayers even though other people may have not liked what I prayed for ,but I did asked and the Lord answered. Every day except on the weekends I do school and still on the weekend I do some school if I have to. Learning Bible verses have refreshen me this past week. My recital is coming up very soon. Sam Deitle and I are going to do a duet together which is going to be very challenging. When you are suppose to stay in tempo with each other with fingers flying away it, I am sure is going to take some more practice. The lessons seem to go by fast with my violin. Even though the classes take about 1 hr. and some min. I am really enjoying learning the ways of the violin. I am taking Jaff'e Strings. It is a challenge to play quickly with the violin, but I am loving every second of it. Isaiah got a wii and boy, boxing takes allot of energy and strength out of someone when you play like as if it were really happening. Dodging punches while looking for places to punch. Moving constantly and dodging constantly while throwing punches constantly. This Wednesday I start to walk the dog again probably until the 13th of May. June is coming up very fast and May is very very near. Time has flown by.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

God is Sooo Good!!!

The days are getting warmer over here. I think it has been in the high 40s in the afternoons. I think it reached 50(temperature). Have anyone noticed today that God is sooo good. I have heard complaining that the water prices are going up. Gas may reach 10 more dollars here in the summer. God is sooo good! We are not being in jail for believing in God yet. We are not starving to death like thousands that are. I live in Bethel, Alaska. Allot of people say that they can not live here (I am sure). One of the reasons I like Bethel is because I get to do allot of things in the summer. I usually go up in the mountains or near the Three Step Mountain to fish for salmon. I could walk to go hunting. I am not stuck in a building surrounded by other building for miles. There is something that I do not like at all and that is that in the summer there are usually tons of mosquitoes and gnats and little bugs that I do not know how to spell. I have nothing to complain about compared to Christians being persecuted. I am not suffering like the Jews did in the concentration camps. I am not sick. I did not get robbed like thousands probably did. I did not get shot at with machine guns like probably thousands did today.

I got the job again taking care of the Siberean Husky for the fourth time. ( I will probably start working again this next coming Wednesday[the fourth time]).