I guess things are going better. I do not know how to explain it but maybe. It seems as though I am stuck. I am not feeling like Sis. Tammi did but kind of like her. I feel like I am stuck in a canyon. Walls on every side and I can not get out. So I guess I am not doing better but probably getting worst. This is the first time a feeling stayed with me. And it feels real. It feels real. Could you pray for me please.
It seems as though God is not real at some times and then I know kinda at the same time that He is real. I hope I am not tiring you what I am saying. I really do. There is a great war going on. I do not really feel like praying or reading the Bible although I have asked God questions. I am going to say this " The Devil really really wants anybody that he can get." At nights I get sometimes very angry and I still feel the feeling of being stuck unless if for some reason I don't during the day. One day I want to get as close as I can to God and I find myself not really wanting to any more and still want to at the same time but feel that I can't.