Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Another post.

God is so Good. He is very good. He is watching over me at this very second. I have had and am still having very good days. Hopefully I will put up pictures that I might take soon in Bethel. I really love Bethel. Yeah, a lot of the houses do not look good outside maybe, but there is really really nice houses in Kasilli (spelling totally wrong). I have never seen as beautiful skies in ALaska then anywhere else. Debbi Karppala (sp?) who is a photographer kind of said that she has not seen more beautiful skies in Alaska then anywhere she has been. She is living in Kuwait right now.

Some Pictures

I felt like putting some pictures from last year that Megan took.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

It is a strait and narrow path and few find it . Unless you show them?

Trusting in Jesus is SOOO peaceful. Thinking of Him is peaceful. And when thinking of that, it makes me want to be closer to Him. God is ever so powerful. He is in control. He is almighty. He knows what is going on. He knows everything. He is a great comforter. Faith as small as a mustard seed can remove mountains. Oh the devil can try to magnify stress. The devil can try to make you feel that you have no chance at all. Feelings can be very misleading. The Bible says that the heart is very deceitful if I remember right.
Something totally off the subject. Am I willing to give God my ALL? WHY Would I not be?

Friday, February 22, 2008

A time to grow stronger.

I am tired of the devil even trying to get me away from God. The devil will try hard to get hard any one that he can get. There is one thing can not do though. He can not make our minds up. He can not make me do wrong. He might try his hardest to make me think like the stupid ways I have been thinking lately but I am going to try my hardest with God's help to keep striving toward what God wants me to do. Please keep praying for me. I thank all of you who have been praying for me.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Yes, I do believe there is a God. I know that there is a devil. Does God care? Does He really care for me? If He is, He is doing a horrible job at it. Every single time I try to do what He wants me to do something always happen. Either Mom or something gets in the way. I am tired of it. It is the Devil that is making all the trouble. I think the Devil is going to win this battle. The battle that has been happening as I know for months.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


God is so good.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

I am getting tired of this.

I guess things are going better. I do not know how to explain it but maybe. It seems as though I am stuck. I am not feeling like Sis. Tammi did but kind of like her. I feel like I am stuck in a canyon. Walls on every side and I can not get out. So I guess I am not doing better but probably getting worst. This is the first time a feeling stayed with me. And it feels real. It feels real. Could you pray for me please.
It seems as though God is not real at some times and then I know kinda at the same time that He is real. I hope I am not tiring you what I am saying. I really do. There is a great war going on. I do not really feel like praying or reading the Bible although I have asked God questions. I am going to say this " The Devil really really wants anybody that he can get." At nights I get sometimes very angry and I still feel the feeling of being stuck unless if for some reason I don't during the day. One day I want to get as close as I can to God and I find myself not really wanting to any more and still want to at the same time but feel that I can't.

Monday, February 4, 2008


Happy birthday Rebekah! I love you, and thank you for being loving, compassionate, and being a very very good sister to look up to.

Saturday, February 2, 2008


I do not know how to explain it but something is happening. I do not feel refreshed of the Lord. It is as though I do not want to do any thing with God. There is a part of me that wants to be with God and another feeling that does not want to. There seems to be something blocking and not blocking me. It is hard to explain.It is not really blocking it is something. Myself maybe? I do not know. There is a BIG turmoil, destruction going inside of me. I am not trying to get attention. This is what I am really am feeling even though I may not express it outwardly hardy at all. Why is it? One day I really am for the Lord. And it seems as though just not to long ago I do not really want God and a little tiny part wants to but the majority doesn't want God.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Why I need prayer

I have never felt the opposition greater in my life. After men's retreat the devil has been working. I do not know what it is. Questions has arised. Never felt so distant from God. Unexplained anger wells up inside of me sometimes because the questions and feelings. As I looked out the window I saw darkness mixed. Never felt like this in my entire life. Please pray. The devil has been bombarding me with lies like never before.