Saturday, December 29, 2007

Another Post

Time is coming to an end. God is not a fantasy. Heaven is not a fantasy. There coming a time when we will be at Judgment and that is not an fantasy. Hell is not a fantasy. There is a heaven. There is a Hell. People are going to hell these very minutes. By the time this post ends, who knows how many people's eternity is going to be. Sadly, probably most of them are going to spend an eternity in the Lake of Fire. And there is nothing that they can do to change it. NOTHING. Probably right now people have their eternity not to be with God this very minute. RIGHT NOW. IT IS NOT A FANTASY. Are you, am I, ready? If you were to die this very minute, would you spend a eternity with God or not? Time is spinning to an end. There is no time to fool around with the world. People are in need of a Saviour and they need TO KNOW that they really do need a Saviour. There is no time to fool around with sin, for who knows when He will come or if God will be merciful unto us like He did to Nineveh. Not saying that we are sinning. It is not safe to go into unchanneled waters. So why not go into the channeled waters. For if we are in unchanneled waters we might end up hitting a rock or much worse to the point where we might drown. It is not safe to toil around with darkness.
Well, I guess I'll try to give ten facts since I have been tagged from Sis. Sutton.
1. I love airplanes.
2. I want to become a airplane pilot.
3. I am thankful for electricity.
4. I Love guns.
5. I like to hunting and fishing.
6. I like the stories "Billy Budd Sailer"; " Bonhoeffer: The cost of freedom"; "A Christmas Carol"; "Goliath King of Shadow Valley" by Paws and Tales; "Lum and Abner"; "The Shadow"; and more probably.
7. I like stories(books) that are set in the 1700s-1800s aboard wooden ships.
8. I do not really like listening to "Gretchen" or "Evanescence" or "Newsboys" ( There is something that troubles me when I listen to Newsboys but do not know what it is.)
9. I like to play the piano, flute, and violin.
10. I hate Satan.

People tagged even though I do not really think they will do it.(give ten facts and tag seven people and why you tagged them when tagged)

1.Isaiah, because he has not blog for a very long time.
2.Micah, because...
3.Rebekah, because...
5.Jacob( my brother in-law),because...
7.Rachel Riddell (sp?),because...
8.Brad Riddell (sp?).because...
9.Paul Alexander, because...
10. Mandy Alexander, because...

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Today went by very good. I thank the Lord for being very good to me. Could you please pray that I will be a good witness to two people that I have met. One I met on a jet from Anchorage to Seattle and the other is my violin teacher. I am really enjoying learning the violin. The fingers on my left hand are getting tougher I think. They are getting tougher because you have to hold the string down while it vibrates and sometimes it can really hurt. My violin recital went good. There was another boy who was at the recital. It was small, just the teacher, the other boy , and me and our parents. It was held in the teacher's house and it turned out very good. The other boy's father is the judge( De Vanney?) . The boy's father was very nice. I have seen Panaay Orr at the piano recital. My drivers test is going to be prolonged because the machines at the DMV are not working so I can not get my ID. Isaiah is coming back tomorrow. He is coming tomorrow morning. Christmas is coming allot faster than expected. I will post later sometime.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Am I too over zealous?

I am able to witness to someone any time in the day and I don't. Why am I not telling people about Jesus. I am able. I have the time. I have the ability to talk. What am I waiting for. Is it that God, that wants me to wait, but wait for what? Or is it that I am too afraid to talk and to trust God fully that He will be with me? What am I waiting for? Does God want me to wait to tell someone about the love that he has shown to every living person? Am I over zealous? What am I waiting for? People are dying every day. Where are they going? To Heaven or to Hell. Why aren't I telling people about Him? What am I waiting for? Am I over zealous? People who are not saved are going to remain unsaved until they receive Christ as their Saviour. What am I waiting for?
I am able to read my Bible every single day. I don't read my Bible every day. Why am I not reading my Bible every day? I have sight and I can read.